How I have helped in many waters across the country
Building more effective water policies, plans and regulations through community involvement, analysis, training, facilitation and consultation.
Facilitating water program implementation
Designed, convened and facilitated meetings among NGOs, and state and federal water quality agency staff working Kentucky, Tennessee, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana. These meetings formed the basis for decades of coordination, solution-oriented discussions, better understanding of differing perspectives and efforts to promote consistent water quality policies and laws across Southeastern states.
Facilitated coordination of water policy and regulatory implementation among groups working throughout Mississippi River Basin through Mississippi River Collaborative.

Promoting integrated solutions
Analyzed and promoted the potential for green streets in mid-sized cities to address combined sewer overflows: initial focus on Nashville, Tennessee.
Protecting outstanding waters
Worked closely with Amigos Bravos in New Mexico, Kentucky Waterways Alliance and throughout the country to evaluate. design and promote processes for designating and protecting outstanding waters.
Analyzed protections for the waters with the highest quality in the Delaware River Basin across New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware. Promoted more consistent protections through trainings and consultation.

Improving water standards and programs
Worked with Cook Inletkeeper and the Yukon Intertribal Watershed Council to convene tribal leaders from all over Alaska to examine the state’s water quality programs, where they fall short in protecting sovereign tribal rights and values and what steps can be taken by the villages.
Trained organizations and individuals across the country to examine, ask questions about and promote improvements to water standards, programs and their implementation.
Examined different standards and protections across Delaware River Basin states of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware. Promoted adequate, consistent standards through trainings and consultation.